Common Ports Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate List

Common Ports Cheat Sheet

Perhaps you’re angsty that you’ve forgotten what a certain port number meant. Rest assured, you don’t have to remember all 65,535 port numbers. With so much information to remember, it’s understandable if you forget a common port. That’s why we put together this cheat sheet of common network ports for you.

A crucial domain of expertise in IT-related certifications such as Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) and those of CompTIA is port numbers and associated services, which this common ports and protocols cheat sheet covers. If you want to remember a port number or protocol, this cheat sheet will help everyone, from students to professionals.

Get a copy of this common ports cheat sheet here to keep on your desk. When you're ready, scroll below to find the port you’re looking for.

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Table Of Contents
  1. Common Ports Cheat Sheet Search
  2. Common Ports and Protocols Cheat Sheet
  3. The Most Common Ports for Exams
  4. Conclusion
  5. Frequently Asked Questions

Common Ports and Protocols Cheat Sheet

The following tables cover services (and malware) that use common TCP ports and some UDP or SCTP ports.

Well-known/System Ports: 0 – 1023

Well-Known Ports: Unencrypted vs Encrypted - Graphic by author

Port numberService nameTransport protocolDescription
7EchoTCP, UDPEcho service
19CHARGENTCP, UDPCharacter Generator Protocol, has severe vulnerabilities and thus is rarely used nowadays
20FTP-dataTCP, SCTPFile Transfer Protocol data transfer
21FTPTCP, UDP, SCTPFile Transfer Protocol command control
22SSH/SCP/SFTPTCP, UDP, SCTP Secure Shell, secure logins, file transfers ( scp, sftp ), and port forwarding
23TelnetTCPTelnet protocol, for unencrypted text communications
25SMTPTCPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol, used for email routing between mail servers
42WINS ReplicationTCP, UDPMicrosoft Windows Internet Name Service, vulnerable to attacks on a local network
43WHOISTCP, UDPWhois service, provides domain-level information
49TACACSUDP; can also use TCP but not necessarily on port 49Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System, provides remote authentication and related services for network access
53DNSTCP, UDPDomain Name System name resolver
67DHCP/BOOTPUDPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol and its predecessor Bootstrap Protocol Server; server port
68DHCP/BOOTPUDPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol and its predecessor Bootstrap Protocol Server; client port
69TFTPUDPTrivial File Transfer Protocol
70GopherTCPGopher is a communication protocol for distributing, searching, and retrieving documents in Internet Protocol (IP) networks
79FingerTCPName/Finger protocol and Finger user information protocol, for retrieving and manipulating user information
80HTTPTCP, UDP, SCTPHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) uses TCP in versions 1.x and 2. HTTP/3 uses QUIC, a transport protocol on top of UDP
88KerberosTCP, UDPNetwork authentication system
102Microsoft Exchange ISO-TSAPTCPMicrosoft Exchange ISO Transport Service Access Point (TSAP) Class 0 protocol
110POP3TCPPost Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3)
113IdentTCPIdentification Protocol, for identifying the user of a particular TCP connection
119NNTP (Usenet)TCPNetwork News Transfer Protocol
123NTPUDPNetwork Time Protocol
135Microsoft RPC EPMAPTCP, UDPMicrosoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Endpoint Mapper (EPMAP) service, for remote system access and management
137NetBIOS-nsTCP, UDPNetBIOS Name Service, used for name registration and resolution
138NetBIOS-dgmTCP, UDPNetBIOS Datagram Service, used for providing access to shared resources
139NetBIOS-ssnTCP, UDPNetBIOS Session Service
143IMAPTCP, UDPInternet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), management of electronic mail messages on a server
161SNMP-agents (unencrypted)UDPSimple network management protocol; agents communicate on this port
162SNMP-trap (unencrypted)UDPSimple network management protocol; listens for asynchronous traps
177XDMCPUDPX Display Manager Control Protocol
179BGPTCPBorder Gateway Protocol
194IRCUDPInternet Relay Chat
201AppleTalkTCP, UDPAppleTalk Routing Maintenance. Trojan horses and computer viruses have used UDP port 201.
264BGMPTCP, UDPBorder Gateway Multicast Protocol
318TSPTCP, UDPTime Stamp Protocol
381HP OpenviewTCP, UDPHP performance data collector
383HP OpenviewTCP, UDPHP data alarm manager
389LDAPTCP, UDPLightweight directory access protocol
411(Multiple uses)TCP, UDPDirect Connect Hub, Remote MT Protocol
412(Multiple uses) TCP, UDPDirect Connect Client-to-Client, Trap Convention Port
427SLPTCPService Location Protocol
443HTTPS (HTTP over SSL)TCP, UDP, SCTPHypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) uses TCP in versions 1.x and 2. HTTP/3 uses QUIC, a transport protocol on top of UDP.
445Microsoft DS SMBTCP, UDPMicrosoft Directory Services: TCP for Active Directory, Windows shares; UDP for Server Message Block (SMB) file-sharing
464KerberosTCP, UDPFor password settings on Kerberos
465SMTP over TLS/SSL, SSMTCPAuthenticated SMTP over TLS/SSL (SMTPS), URL Rendezvous Directory for Cisco’s Source Specific Multicast protocol (SSM)
497Dantz RetrospectTCP, UDPA software suite for backing up operating systems
500IPSec / ISAKMP / IKEUDPInternet Protocol Security / Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol / Internet Key Exchange
512rexecTCPRemote Process Execution
513rloginTCPThe Unix program rlogin allows users to log in on another host using a network.
514syslogUDPSyslog Protocol, for collecting and organizing all of the log files sent from the various devices on a network
515LPD/LPRTCPLine Printer Daemon protocol, or Line Printer Remote protocol
520RIPUDPRouting Information Protocol, used to find the optimal path between source and destination networks
521RIPng (IPv6)UDPRouting Information Protocol next generation, the IPv6 compatible version of RIP
540UUCPTCPUnix-to-Unix Copy Protocol
548AFPTCPApple Filing Protocol
554RTSPTCP, UDPReal Time Streaming Protocol
546DHCPv6TCP, UDPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol version 6. DHCPv6 Clients listen for DHCPv6 messages on UDP port 546.
547DHCPv6TCP, UDPDHCPv6 Servers and DHCPv6 Relay Agents listen for DHCPv6 messages on UDP port 547.
560rmonitorUDPRemote Monitor
563NNTP over TLS/SSLTCP, UDPNetwork News Transfer Protocol with encryption and verification
587SMTPTCPFor email message submission via SMTP
591FileMakerTCPFileMaker Web Companion, the web publishing technology available in FileMaker versions 4-6
593Microsoft DCOMTCP, UDPDistributed Component Object Model (DCOM)
596SMSDTCP, UDPSysMan Station daemon
631IPPTCPInternet Printing Protocol
636LDAP over TLS/SSLTCP, UDPLightweight Directory Access Protocol over TLS/SSL
639MSDP (PIM)TCPMulticast Source Discovery Protocol, which is part of the Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) family
646LDP (MPLS)TCP, UDPLabel Distribution Protocol, applies to routers capable of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
691Microsoft ExchangeTCPMicrosoft Exchange Routing
860iSCSITCPInternet Small Computer Systems Interface
873rsyncTCPThe rsync file synchronization protocol efficiently transfers and synchronizes files between devices and networked computers.
902VMware ServerTCP, UDPVMware ESXi, a hypervisor
989FTPSTCPFile Transfer Protocol (data) over TLS/SSL
990FTPSTCPFile Transfer Protocol (control) over TLS/SSL
993IMAP over SSL (IMAPS)TCPInternet Message Access Protocol over TLS/SSL
995POP3 over SSL (POP3S)TCP, UDPPost Office Protocol 3 over TLS/SSL

Registered Ports: 1024 – 49151

The Registered Ports Used by Popular Services - Graphic by author

Port numberService nameTransport protocolDescription
1025Microsoft RPCTCPMicrosoft Remote Procedure Call
1026-1029Windows MessengerUDPWindows Messenger popup spam
1080SOCKS proxyTCP (or UDP since SOCKS5)SOCKS stands for Socket Secure. This protocol exchanges network packets between a client and server through a proxy server.
1080MyDoomTCPComputer virus
1214KAZAATCPA peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol
1241NessusTCP, UDPNessus Security Scanner
1311Dell OpenManageTCPDell EMC OpenManage Server Administrator Web GUI
1337WASTETCPWASTE peer-to-peer encrypted file-sharing Program
1589Cisco VQPTCP, UDPCisco VLAN Query Protocol (VQP)
1701L2TP VPNTCPLayer Two Tunneling Protocol Virtual Private Networking
1720H.323TCPH.323 Call Control Signaling, a VoIP call control protocol
1723Microsoft PPTPTCP, UDPPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocol Virtual Private Networking
1725SteamUDPValve Steam Client uses port 1725
1741CiscoWorks SNMS 2000TCPCiscoWorks Small Network Management Solution web server
1755MMSTCP, UDPMicrosoft Media Server
1812RADIUSUDPRADIUS server authentication and authorization
1813RADIUSUDPRADIUS server accounting
1863(Multiple uses)TCP, UDPMSN Messenger, Xbox Live 360
1900UPnPUDPUniversal Plug and Play
1985Cisco HSRPUDPHot Standby Router Protocol
2000Cisco SCCPTCPSkinny Client Control Protocol
2002Cisco ACSTCPAccess Control Server
2049NFSUDPNetwork File Sharing
2082cPanelTCP, UDPcPanel default
2083radsec, cPanelTCP, UDPSecure RADIUS Service ( radsec ), cPanel default SSL
2100amiganetfsTCPAmiga Network Filesystem
2222DirectAdminTCPGraphical web hosting control panel
2302GamingUDPThe game HALO uses this port extensively
2483OracleTCP, UDPOracle database listening for insecure client connections to the listener, replaces port 1521
2484OracleTCP, UDPOracle database listening for SSL client connections to the listener
2745Bagle.C – Bagle.HTCPComputer worms
2967Symantec AVTCP, UDPSymantec System Center agent (SSC-AGENT)
3050Interbase DBTCP, UDPBorland Interbase database
3074XBOX LiveTCP, UDPGaming: Xbox LIVE and Games for Windows – Live
3127MyDoomTCPComputer worm
3128HTTP ProxyTCPCommon web proxy server ports: 80, 8080, 3128, 6588
3222GLBPTCP, UDPGateway Load Balancing Protocol
3260iSCSI TargetTCP, UDPMicrosoft iSCSI Target Server
3306MySQLTCPMySQL database system
3389RDPTCPWindows Remote Desktop Protocol (Microsoft Terminal Server)
3689DAAPTCPDigital Audio Access Protocol, used by Apple’s iTunes and AirPort Express
3690SVNTCP, UDPApache Subversion, a version control system
3724World of WarcraftTCP, UDPSome Blizzard games, Unofficial Club Penguin Disney online game for kids
3784-3785Ventrilo VoIPTCP, UDPVentrilo’s Voice over Internet Protocol program
4333mSQLTCPMini SQL server
4444BlasterTCP, UDPComputer worm
4500IPSec NAT TraversalUDPInternet Protocol Security Network Address Translation (NAT) Traversal
4664Google DesktopTCPGoogle Desktop’s built-in HTTP server and indexing software
4672eMuleUDPPeer-to-peer file-sharing software
4899RadminTCPRemote computer control software
5000UPnPTCPUniversal Plug and Play
5001iperfTCPTool for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance
5004-5005RTP, RTSPUDPReal-time Transport Protocol, Real Time Streaming Protocol
5050Yahoo! MessengerTCPInstant messaging service from Yahoo
5060SIPTCP, UDPSession Initiation Protocol
5061SIP-TLSTCPSession Initiation Protocol over TLS
5190(Multiple uses)TCP, UDPICQ, AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), Apple iChat
5222-5223XMPPTCP, UDPExtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol Client Connection; also used in Google Talk, Jabber, Apple iChat, WhatsApp, etc.
5353MDNSUDPMulticast DNS
5432PostgreSQLTCPPostgreSQL database system
5554SasserTCPComputer worm
5631-5632pcAnywhereUDPSymantec pcAnywhere
5800VNC over HTTPTCPVirtual Network Computing (VNC)
5900-5999RFB/VNC ServerTCP, UDPVNC Remote Frame Buffer RFB protocol
6000X11TCPX Window System protocol for delivering payloads between X clients and servers
6001X11UDPX Window System protocol for delivering payloads between X clients and servers
6112Diablo TCP, UDPGaming
6129DameWareTCPRemote access software developed by SolarWinds
6257WinMX UDPWindows Music Exchange, peer-to-peer file-sharing freeware
6346-6347Gnutella2TCP, UDPPeer-to-peer network protocol
6379RedisTCPPopular non-relational database management system (NoSql)
6500GameSpyTCP, UDPGaming
6566SANETCP, UDPScanner Access Now Easy
6588AnalogXTCPAnalogX proxy server
6588HTTP ProxyTCPCommon web proxy server ports: 80, 8080, 3128, 6588
6665-6669IRCTCPInternet Relay Chat
6679, 6697IRC over SSLTCPInternet Relay Chat
6699NapsterTCPPeer-to-peer file-sharing application
6881-6999BitTorrentTCP, UDPBitTorrent uses this range of ports the most often
6891-6901Windows Live MessengerTCP, UDPAlternatively: MSN Messenger
6970QuicktimeTCP, UDPQuickTime streaming server
7000CassandraTCPInter-node communication within the cluster on Apache Cassandra
7001CassandraTCPSSL-enabled inter-node communication within the cluster on Apache Cassandra
7199Cassandra JMXTCPJava Management Extensions on Apache Cassandra
7648-7649CU-SeeMeTCP, UDPInternet video conferencing client made by Cornell University
8000Internet RadioTCPCommonly choice of alternate HTTP port for web applications
8080HTTP ProxyTCPCommon web proxy server ports: 80, 8080, 3128, 6588
8086Kaspersky AVTCPKaspersky AV Control Center
8087Kaspersky AVUDPKaspersky AV Control Center
8118PrivoxyTCPAdvertisement-filtering Web proxy
8200VMware ServerTCP, UDPVMware vSphere Fault Tolerance
8222VMware ServerTCP, UDPVMware Server Management User Interface (insecure Web interface).
8500(Multiple uses)TCP, UDPAdobe ColdFusion, Flight Message Transfer Protocol
8767TeamspeakUDPVoIP communication system for online gaming
8866Bagle.BTCPComputer worm
9042CassandraTCPApache Cassandra, a NoSql database
9100PDLTCPPDL Data Stream, used for printing to certain network printers
9101-9103BaculaTCP, UDPFor automating backup tasks
9119MXitTCP, UDPMXit Instant Messaging (deprecated)
9800WebDAVTCP, UDPWeb-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning, an extension of HTTP
9898 DabberTCPComputer worm (Sasser)
9999UrchinTCP, UDPUrchin Web Analytics
10000(Multiple uses)TCP, UDPNetwork Data Management Protocol; applications: Webmin, BackupExec, Viatalk; gaming: The Matrix Online, Dungeon Fighter
10161SNMP-agents (encrypted)TCPSimple network management protocol; agents communicate on this port
10162SNMP-trap (encrypted)TCPSimple network management protocol; listens for asynchronous traps
10113NetIQTCP, UDPNetIQ Endpoint
10114NetIQTCP, UDPNetIQ Qcheck
10115NetIQTCP, UDPNetIQ Endpoint
10116NetIQTCP, UDPNetIQ VoIP Assessor
11371OpenPGPTCP, UDPOpenPGP HTTP Keyserver
12345NetBusTCPNetBus remote administration tool (Trojan horse)
13720-13721NetBackupTCP, UDPNetBackup request daemon
15118Dipnet/OddbobTCPTrojan horse
19226AdminSecureTCPPanda Software AdminSecure Communication Agent
19638EnsimTCPEnsim Control Panel
20000UserminTCP, UDPWeb email interface for regular non-root users
24800SynergyTCP, UDPKeyboard/mouse sharing software
25999XfireTCPCommunication tool for gamers (deprecated)
27017MongoDBTCPNoSql database
27374Sub7TCP, UDPTrojan horse
28960Call of DutyTCP, UDPGaming
31337Back OrificeTCP, UDPRemote administration tool used for Trojan horses
33434+tracerouteUDPUtility for displaying paths and measuring transit delays of packets across a network

Dynamic/Private Ports: 49152 – 65535

You may use these ports for custom applications free from concerns that it may clash with existing processes.

The Most Common Ports for Exams

If you’re studying for IT certifications such as CCNA, focus on these ports:
Port numberService
20, 21FTP
445Microsoft DS SMB
464Kerberos password settings
636LDAP over SSL
5061SIP over TLS


We hope that you found this cheat sheet useful. Familiarity with ports and protocols is vital to building secure applications and troubleshooting problems on computer networks. Whether you're studying or working, this cheat sheet of common network ports will help you in academic and professional settings. For further resources, or if you’re curious about how ports and protocols fit into cyber security, look into network security courses available with our StationX Accelerator Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common ports?

FTP: ports 20-21; SSH/SCP: port 22; HTTP: 80; HTTPS: 443; POP3: 110; POP3 over SSL: 995; IMAP: 143; IMAP over SSL: 993. We recommend you download the graphic in Well-known/System Ports.

How many common ports are there?

It depends on whether you’re referring to system ports (1024) or want to include ports registered with apps (49152) because system ports range from 0 through 1023, and registered ports span 1024 – 49151.

What are the common TCP ports?

FTP: ports 20-21; SSH/SCP: port 22; Telnet: 23; SMTP: 25; DNS: 53; HTTP: 80; POP3: 110; IMAP: 143; HTTPS: 443.

What are common open ports?

FTP: port 21; SSH/SCP: 22; Telnet: 23; SMTP: 25; DNS: 53; POP3: 110; IMAP: 145; HTTP: 80; HTTPS: 443; MySQL: 3306; RDP: 3389; VNC: 5900.

What are the three types of ports?

The following are the three types of ports with corresponding port number ranges:
Well-known/System ports: 0 – 1023
Registered ports: 1024 – 49151
Dynamic/Private ports: 49152 – 65535