What Can I Study With A Higher Certificate Pass?

Our NATED, ICB and short courses can be completed with a Higher Certificate Pass. The NATED courses go up to a Diploma level. This is 1 level below a Degree.

Last Updated : July 25, 2024

A Higher Certificate Pass is the third-highest of the four passes in Matric. With a Higher Certificate pass, you can study the following:

NATED Courses

Here are the NATED courses that you can study with a Higher Certificate pass:

  1. Business Management: NATED N4 National Certificate
  2. Business Management: NATED N5 National Certificate
  3. Business Management: NATED N6 National Certificate
  4. Business Management: NATED N6 National Diploma
  1. Marketing Management: NATED N4 National Certificate
  2. Marketing Management: NATED N5 National Certificate
  3. Marketing Management: NATED N6 National Certificate
  4. Marketing Management: NATED N6 National Diploma
  1. Management Assistant NATED N4 National Certificate
  2. Management Assistant NATED N5 National Certificate
  3. Management Assistant NATED N6 National Certificate
  4. Management Assistant NATED N6 National Diploma
  1. Human Resource Management: NATED N4 National Certificate
  2. Human Resource Management: NATED N5 National Certificate
  3. Human Resource Management: NATED N6 National Certificate
  4. Human Resource Management: NATED N6 National Diploma
  1. Financial Management: NATED N4 National Certificate
  2. Financial Management: NATED N5 National Certificate
  3. Financial Management: NATED N6 National Certificate
  4. Financial Management: NATED N6 National Diploma
  1. Legal Secretary NATED N4 National Certificate
  2. Legal Secretary NATED N5 National Certificate
  3. Legal Secretary NATED N6 National Certificate
  4. Legal Secretary NATED N6 National Diploma

Why You Should Study NATED Courses

NATED Courses Are Accredited

NATED courses are accredited. These courses were designed by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). The courses are accredited with the following bodies:

Certified At Every Level

The beauty of NATED courses is that you are certified at every level. These are the levels of NATED courses that you will be certified at:

Scarce Skills

NATED courses are scarce skills. This means that the skills and knowledge that you will learn are in demand on the job market. After completing these courses, you can be employed in a short space of time.

Gain Soft Skills

When you study NATED courses, you will gain soft skills. Soft skills are also known as transferable skills. The beauty of transferable skills is that you can study them in any other setting, be it social or professional.

Study Through Distance Learning

You can study NATED courses through distance learning. Here are the advantages of studying through distance learning:

NOTE: Our NATED courses are offered in partnership with Bellview Institute

ICB Courses

Here are the ICB courses that you can study with a Higher Certificate pass:

  1. Small Business Financial Management: ICB National Certificate
  2. Office Administration – Business Management: ICB Higher Certificate
  3. Financial Accounting – Business Management: ICB National Diploma
  1. Office Administration: ICB National Certificate
  2. Office Administration: ICB Higher Certificate
  3. Office Administration: ICB National Diploma
  1. Bookkeeping: ICB National Certificate
  2. Bookkeeping: FET Certificate
  3. Technical Financial Accounting: ICB National Diploma
  4. Certified Financial Accounting: ICB National Diploma

Why You Should Study ICB Courses

Here is why you should study ICB courses:

ICB Courses Are Accredited

All ICB courses are accredited. Remember, accreditation means, being officially recognised, accepted or approved. ICB courses are accredited by the following bodies:

Nationally Recognised

ICB courses are recognised by South African employers. ICB courses are also recognised by other national professional bodies. The following professional bodies recognise ICB courses:

Internationally Recognised

ICB courses are also internationally recognised. After completing your ICB courses, you can study with other institutions that recognise ICB courses and offer subject exemptions. The following international institutes offer ICB qualification holders exemptions:

Scarce Skills

Like the NATED courses, ICB courses are scarce skills courses. Scarce skills courses are those courses that are in demand. Employers are always searching for scarce skills. With scarce skills, you are easily employable.

Gain Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are also known as soft skills. These are skills that you gain when you study ICB courses. Here are examples of transferable skills:

Study Through Distance Learning

Studying through distance learning is a smart way to study. When you study at Matric College, here is what the college can do for you:

Short Courses

There are no specific entry requirements to study Short courses. Here are the Short courses that you can study:

Beauty Courses

Child Care Courses

Tourism And Guesthouse

Event And Wedding Planning

Why You Should Study Short Courses

Short Duration Of Study

Short courses are of short duration. Short courses can run for anything between 3 and 18 months. Here is the duration of Short courses:

Equips You With Skills

A short course is skills focused on a specific area. This helps in personal development. With a short course, you can also study and develop your skills at the same time that you are working. A Short course helps you to stay current within the market.


A short course is affordable as compared to other courses. Short courses have little or no registration fees. Because of affordability, you can complete a number of short courses within a short space of time.

Study Through Distance Learning

You can study Short courses through distance learning. Remember, distance learning is a form of online learning. This is because you will also use online tools when you study through distance learning. Here are some of the online tools that you can use when you study through distance learning:

What Is A Higher Certificate Pass?

A Higher Certificate pass is the third-highest pass of the four Matric pass levels. Here are the four Matric pass levels:

These passes determine how well you passed and your eligibility to study further at university.

Bachelors Pass

A Bachelor’s pass means that you must have achieved at least:

Minimum APS based on these marks: 23

Diploma Pass

A Diploma pass means you must have scored at least:

Minimum APS based on these marks: 19

Higher Certificate Pass

To obtain a Higher Certificate pass, you must have at least achieved:

Minimum APS based on these marks: 15

Senior Certificate (Amended) (SC(A)) Pass

An SC(A) pass is the lowest certificate you can achieve and will mean you have passed at least:

Minimum APS based on these marks: 14

How Many Points Is A Higher Certificate Pass?

A Higher Certificate pass is at least is at least an APS of 15. Here is the full list of the APS points for the four Matric pass levels:

Bachelors Pass23
Diploma Pass19
Higher Certificate Pass15
Senior Certificate (Amended) Pass14

What Is APS?

APS stands for Admission Point Score. The percentage mark that you get in any Matric subject is rated on a point score that is between 1 and 7 points. 7 is the highest score that you can get and 1 is the lowest point that you can get. For example, if you get 50%, the mark or score for the percentage is 4.

The table below shows how APS is calculated:

Matric Subject Symbol / Mark ObtainedAPS (Admission Point Score)
A (80 -100%)7
B (70 – 79%)6
C (60 – 69%)5
D (50 – 59%)4
E (40 – 49%)3
F (30 – 39%)2
G (0 – 29%)1

What Is The Highest Pass In Matric?

The highest pass in Matric is the Bachelor’s pass. The minimum APS score for the Bachelor’s pass is 23. The lowest pass level of a Matric is the Senior Certificate (Amended) pass. The minimum APS score for the Senior Certificate pass is 14.

Is It Possible To Go To University With A Higher Certificate Pass?

No. it is not possible to go to University with a Higher Certificate pass. To go to University, you need a Matric Bachelor’s pass. Here is the minimum requirement for a Bachelor’s pass:

However, some universities can colleges provides bridging courses to hep students enter the programs they are interested in. At Matric courses this pass allows you do study different courses.

Is A Higher Certificate Pass A Fail?

No, a Higher Certificate pass is not a fail. It is a pass, hence the name, Higher Certificate pass. It qualifies you to study for a Higher Certificate at a tertiary learning institution. Likewise, with a Bachelor’s pass and a Diploma pass, you qualify for a Bachelor’s Degree and a Diploma respectively.

Which College Can I Study With A Higher Certificate Pass?

With a Higher Certificate pass, you can study the following at Matric College:

What Does 777 Mean In Matric Results?

777 in Matric is a code for a distinction or Outstanding mark. Here are other codes that are used in Matric results:

777Outstanding mark
zzEnding (irregularity)
pxNull and void (irregularity)
moMark outstanding

What Does C Stand For In Matric Results?

C means that you have obtained between the 50 – 59% mark in your subject and an APS score of 6. Here is the meaning of the other Matric symbols:

Matric Subject SymbolMark Obtained In Matric Exam
A+80 – 100%
A70 – 79%
B60 – 69%
C50 – 59%
D40 – 49%
E30 – 39%
F0 – 29%

What Percentage Is A Distinction In Matric?

80 -100% is a distinction in Matric. Here is a list of the descriptions of other Matric marks:

Mark Obtained In Matric ExamAchievement Description
80 – 100%Distinction
70 – 79%Meritorious
60 – 69%Substantial
50 – 59%Moderate
40 – 49%Adequate
30 – 39%Elementary
0 – 29%Not Achieved